Francisco Machado

ITAMP Fellow | Harvard University

Long-lived coherences in strongly interacting spin ensembles | Francisco Machado

Long-lived coherences in strongly interacting spin ensembles

William K. Schenken, Simon A. Meynell, Francisco Machado, Bingtian Ye, Claire A. McLellan, Maxime Joos, V. V. Dobrovitski, Norman Y. Yao, Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich
PRA (2023)


Periodic driving has emerged as a powerful tool to control, engineer, and characterize many-body quantum systems. However, the required pulse sequences are often complex, long, or require the ability to control the individual degrees of freedom. In this work, we study how a simple Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill (CPMG)-like pulse sequence can be leveraged to enhance the coherence of a large ensemble of spin qubits and serve as an important characterization tool. We implement the periodic drive on an ensemble of dense nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond and examine the effect of pulse rotation offset as a control parameter on the dynamics. We use a single diamond sample prepared with several spots of varying NV density, which, in turn, varies the NV-NV dipolar interaction strength. Counter-intuitively, we find that rotation offsets deviating from the ideal {\pi}-pulse in the CPMG sequence (often classified as pulse errors) play a critical role in preserving coherence even at nominally zero rotation offset. The cause of the coherence preservation is an emergent effective field that scales linearly with the magnitude of the rotation offset. In addition to extending coherence, we compare the rotation offset dependence of coherence to numerical simulations to measure the disorder and dipolar contributions to the Hamiltonian to quantitatively extract the densities of the constituent spin species within the diamond.