Francisco Machado

ITAMP Fellow | Harvard University

Enhancing a Many-body Dipolar Rydberg Tweezer Array with Arbitrary Local Controls | Francisco Machado

Enhancing a Many-body Dipolar Rydberg Tweezer Array with Arbitrary Local Controls

Guillaume Bornet, Gabriel Emperauger, Cheng Chen, Francisco Machado, Sabrina Chern, Lucas Leclerc, Bastien Gély, Daniel Barredo, Thierry Lahaye, Norman Y. Yao, Antoine Browaeys
PRL (2024)


We implement and characterize a protocol that enables arbitrary local controls in a dipolar atom array, where the degree of freedom is encoded in a pair of Rydberg states. Our approach relies on a combination of local addressing beams and global microwave fields. Using this method, we directly prepare two different types of three-atom entangled states, including a W-state and a state exhibiting finite chirality. We verify the nature of the underlying entanglement by performing quantum state tomography. Finally, leveraging our ability to measure multi-basis, multi-body observables, we explore the adiabatic preparation of low-energy states in a frustrated geometry consisting of a pair of triangular plaquettes. By using local addressing to tune the symmetry of the initial state, we demonstrate the ability to prepare correlated states distinguished only by correlations of their chirality (a fundamentally six-body observable). Our protocol is generic, allowing for rotations on arbitrary subgroups of atoms within the array at arbitrary times during the experiment; this extends the scope of capabilities for quantum simulations of the dipolar XY model.